NCCN Templates® 1.0


An Order Template provides information required for ordering and administering a chemotherapy regimen, or related drug protocols, within the oncology domain.

Formal Views of Profile Content

The official URL for this profile is:

This profile builds on PlanDefinition.

This profile was published on Fri Apr 14 00:00:00 EDT 2017 as a active by The National Comprehensive Cancer Network.

Description of Profiles, Differentials, Snapshots, and how the XML and JSON presentations work.

NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. PlanDefinition 0..*NCCN Order Template Profile
... id 1..1idTemplate id
Example General': BRS1
Max Length: 64
... meta 1..1Meta
.... id 0..0
.... versionId 1..1idThe version of this order template
Example General': 1.1
.... lastUpdated 1..1instant
.... profile 1..1uriFixed Value:
.... security 0..0
.... tag 0..0
.... extension 0..0
... implicitRules 0..0
... language 0..0
... text S1..1Narrative
... contained 1..*Regimen Entry TemplateMedication entries within the regimen
... url 0..0
... identifier S1..1IdentifierTemplate id
.... id 0..0
.... use 0..0
.... type 0..0
.... system 1..1uriFixed Value:
.... value 1..1stringExample General': BRS1
Max Length: 64
.... period 0..0
.... assigner 0..0
.... extension 0..0
... version S1..1stringThe version number of this template - increments each time a new version is published
Example General': 1
... name 0..0
... title S1..1stringMax Length: 516
... type 1..1CodeableConcept
.... id 0..0
.... coding 1..1Coding
..... id 0..0
..... system 1..1uriFixed Value:
..... version 0..0
..... code 1..1codeFixed Value: protocol
..... display 0..0
..... userSelected 0..0
..... extension 0..0
.... text 1..1stringFixed Value: Chemotherapy Order Template
.... extension 0..0
... status 1..1code"active" if the template is currently published
... experimental 0..0
... date 1..1dateTimePublication date
... publisher 1..1stringFixed Value: National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Inc.
... description 0..0
... purpose 0..0
... usage 0..0
... approvalDate 0..0
... lastReviewDate 0..0
... effectivePeriod 0..0
... useContext UsageContextSlice: Unordered, Open by value:code|false|open
... useContext 1..1UsageContextDisease
.... id 0..0
.... code 1..1Coding
..... id 0..0
..... system 1..1uriFixed Value:
..... version 0..0
..... code 1..1codeFixed Value: focus
..... display 0..0
..... userSelected 0..0
..... extension 0..0
.... valueCodeableConcept 1..1CodeableConceptDisease concept
..... id 0..0
..... coding 0..0
..... text 1..1stringMax Length: 256
.... usagecontext-group 1..1stringIndication group
... useContext 1..*UsageContextIndication component
.... id 0..0
.... code 1..1CodingIndication component class
Binding: Indication Classes (required)
.... valueCodeableConcept 1..1CodeableConceptIndication component value
..... id 0..0
..... coding 0..0
..... text 1..1stringMax Length: 256
.... usagecontext-group 1..1stringIndication group
... jurisdiction 0..0
... topic 0..0
... contributor 1..*ContributorNCCN authors
.... id 0..0
.... type 1..1codeFixed Value: author
.... name 1..1string
.... contact 0..0
.... extension 0..0
... contact 0..0
... copyright 1..1markdownAll rights reserved.
... relatedArtifact RelatedArtifactSlice: Unordered, Open by value:type|false|open
... relatedArtifact 1..1RelatedArtifactGuideline reference
.... id 0..0
.... type 1..1codeFixed Value: derived-from
.... display 1..1string
.... citation 0..0
.... url 1..1uri
.... document 0..0
.... resource 0..0
.... extension 0..0
... relatedArtifact 1..*RelatedArtifactCitation
.... id 0..0
.... type 1..1codeFixed Value: citation
.... display 1..1stringThe text of the citation
.... citation 0..0
.... url 1..1uri
.... document 0..0
.... resource 0..0
.... regimenReferenceType 1..1codea | b | c | d
Binding: ReferenceType (required)
... relatedArtifact 0..*RelatedArtifactRelated template
.... id 0..0
.... type 1..1codesee extension
..... id 0..0
..... value 0..0
..... templateRelationship 1..1codeprecedes | may precede | follows | may follow | concurrent with | alternating with
Binding: TemplateRelationshipType (required)
.... display 1..1stringThe title of the related template
.... citation 0..0
.... url 1..1uri
.... document 0..0
.... resource 0..0
.... extension 0..0
... library 0..0
... goal 0..0
... action 1..1BackboneElementRegimen option group
.... id 0..0
.... label 0..0
.... title 0..0
.... description 0..0
.... textEquivalent 0..0
.... code 0..0
.... reason 0..0
.... documentation 0..0
.... goalId 0..0
.... triggerDefinition 0..0
.... condition 0..0
.... input 0..0
.... output 0..0
.... relatedAction 0..0
.... timing[x] 0..0
.... participant 0..0
.... type 0..0
.... groupingBehavior 0..0
.... selectionBehavior 0..0
.... requiredBehavior 0..0
.... precheckBehavior 0..0
.... cardinalityBehavior 0..0
.... definition 0..0
.... transform 0..0
.... dynamicValue 0..0
.... action 1..*Regimen options
..... id 0..0
..... label 0..0
..... title 0..0
..... description 0..0
..... textEquivalent 0..0
..... code 1..1
...... text 1..1stringFixed Value: regimen option
..... definition 0..0
..... reason 0..0
..... documentation 0..0
..... goalId 0..0
..... triggerDefinition 0..0
..... condition 0..0
..... input 0..0
..... output 0..0
..... relatedAction 0..0
..... timing[x] 0..0
..... participant 0..0
..... type 0..0
..... groupingBehavior 0..0
..... selectionBehavior 0..0
..... requiredBehavior 0..0
..... precheckBehavior 0..0
..... cardinalityBehavior 0..0
..... transform 0..0
..... dynamicValue 0..0
..... action 1..*Regimen parts
...... id 1..1
...... label 0..0
...... title 0..0
...... description 0..0
...... textEquivalent 0..0
...... code 1..1
....... text 1..1stringFixed Value: regimen part
...... reason 0..0
...... documentation 0..0
...... goalId 0..0
...... triggerDefinition 0..0
...... condition 0..0
...... input 0..0
...... output 0..0
...... relatedAction 0..0
...... timing[x] 0..0
...... participant 0..0
...... type 0..0
...... groupingBehavior 0..0
...... selectionBehavior 1..1codeexactly-one | any
...... requiredBehavior 0..0
...... precheckBehavior 0..0
...... cardinalityBehavior 0..0
...... definition 0..0
...... transform 0..0
...... dynamicValue 0..0
...... action 1..*Cycle definitions
....... id 1..1
....... label 0..0
....... title 0..0
....... description 0..0
....... textEquivalent 1..1
....... code 1..1
........ text 1..1stringFixed Value: cycle definition
....... reason 0..0
....... documentation 0..0
....... goalId 0..0
....... triggerDefinition 0..0
....... condition Slice: Unordered, Open by value:kind|true|open
....... condition 0..*Stop conditions
........ id 0..0
........ kind 1..1codeFixed Value: stop
........ description 1..1stringCondition under which the treatment should be stopped; see detailed descriptions tab for potential values
Example General': disease progression
........ language 0..0
........ expression 0..0
........ extension 0..0
....... condition 0..1
........ id 0..0
........ kind 1..1codeFixed Value: applicability
........ description 1..1stringCondition under which this cycle definition is applicable; see detailed descriptions tab for potential values
Example General': age ≤75 years
........ language 0..0
........ expression 0..0
........ extension 0..0
....... input 0..0
....... output 0..0
....... relatedAction 0..*
........ id 0..0
........ actionId 1..1
......... actionPlaceholder 0..1codeAction placeholder for when the referenced action is outside the scope of this plan and has no id
Binding: ActionPlaceholder (required)
........ relationship 1..1
......... radiationTherapyRelationship 0..1code A special relationship type that is specific to radiation therapy
Binding: RadiationTherapyRelation (required)
........ offset 0..0
....... timingTiming 0..1
....... participant 0..0
....... type 0..0
....... groupingBehavior 0..0
....... selectionBehavior 0..0
....... requiredBehavior 0..0
....... precheckBehavior 0..0
....... cardinalityBehavior 0..0
....... definition 0..0
....... transform 0..0
....... dynamicValue 0..0
....... action 1..*Regimen entry groups
........ id 1..1
........ label 0..0
........ title 0..0
........ description 0..0
........ textEquivalent 0..0
........ code 1..1
......... text 1..1stringFixed Value: regimen entry group
........ reason 0..0
........ documentation 0..0
........ goalId 0..0
........ triggerDefinition 0..0
........ condition 0..0
........ input 0..0
........ output 0..0
........ relatedAction 0..*Related entries
......... id 0..0
......... actionId 1..1
......... relationship 1..1
......... offset 0..0
........ timing[x] 0..0
........ participant 0..0
........ type 0..0
........ groupingBehavior 0..0
........ selectionBehavior 1..1codeFixed Value: exactly-one
........ requiredBehavior 0..0
........ precheckBehavior 0..0
........ cardinalityBehavior 0..0
........ definition 0..0
........ transform 0..0
........ dynamicValue 0..0
........ action 1..*Regimen entries
......... id 1..1
......... label 0..0
......... title 0..0
......... description 0..0
......... textEquivalent 0..0
......... code 1..1
.......... text 1..1stringFixed Value: regimen entry
......... reason 0..0
......... documentation 0..0
......... goalId 0..0
......... triggerDefinition 0..0
......... condition 0..0
......... input 0..0
......... output 0..0
......... relatedAction 0..0
......... timing[x] 0..0
......... participant 0..0
......... type 0..0
......... groupingBehavior 0..0
......... selectionBehavior 0..0
......... requiredBehavior 0..0
......... precheckBehavior 0..0
......... cardinalityBehavior 0..0
......... definition 0..0
......... transform 0..0
......... dynamicValue 0..0
......... action 1..*Dosage instruction groups
.......... id 1..1
.......... label 0..0
.......... title 0..0
.......... description 0..0
.......... textEquivalent 0..0
.......... code 1..1
........... text 1..1stringFixed Value: dosage instruction group
.......... reason 0..0
.......... documentation 0..0
.......... goalId 0..0
.......... triggerDefinition 0..0
.......... condition 0..0
.......... input 0..0
.......... output 0..0
.......... relatedAction 0..0
.......... timing[x] 0..0
.......... participant 0..0
.......... type 0..0
.......... groupingBehavior 0..0
.......... selectionBehavior 0..0
.......... requiredBehavior 0..0
.......... precheckBehavior 0..0
.......... cardinalityBehavior 0..0
.......... definition 0..0
.......... transform 0..0
.......... dynamicValue 0..0
.......... action 1..*Dosage instructions
........... id 1..1
........... label 0..0
........... title 0..0
........... description 0..0
........... textEquivalent 0..0
........... code 1..1
............ text 1..1stringFixed Value: dosage instruction
........... reason 0..0
........... documentation 0..0
........... goalId 0..0
........... triggerDefinition 0..0
........... condition 0..0
........... input 0..0
........... output 0..0
........... relatedAction 0..0
........... timing[x] 0..0
........... participant 0..0
........... type 0..0
........... groupingBehavior 0..0
........... selectionBehavior 0..0
........... requiredBehavior 0..0
........... precheckBehavior 0..0
........... cardinalityBehavior 0..0
........... definition 1..1Regimen Entry Template
........... transform 0..0
........... dynamicValue 0..0
........... action 0..0
........... cycleConstraint 0..1integerWhich cycles to administer this dosage instruction
........... dayConstraint 0..1integerWhich days to administer this dosage instruction
........... weekConstraint 0..1integerWhich weeks to administer this dosage instruction
........... monthConstraint 0..1integerWhich months to administer this dosage instruction
........... scheduleConstraint-beginningWith-cycle 0..1integerOn which cycle to begin this dosage instruction
........... scheduleConstraint-beginningWith-day 0..1integerOn which day to begin this dosage instruction
........... scheduleConstraint-beginningWith-week 0..1integerOn which week to begin this dosage instruction
........... scheduleConstraint-beginningWith-month 0..1integerOn which month to begin this dosage instruction
........... scheduleConstraint-advanced 0..1codeA coded pattern that defines when this dosage instruction should be administered
Binding: ScheduleConstraint (required)
....... fullyStructured S1..1booleanFully structured
...... emeticRisk 0..*(Complex)Emetic risk
.... febrileNeutropeniaRisk 1..1codeFebrile neutropenia risk
Binding: FeverNeutropeniaRisk (required)
... template-note 0..*(Complex)Style guide note

doco Documentation for this format
NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. PlanDefinition I0..*NCCN Order Template Profile
... id Σ1..1idTemplate id
Example General': BRS1
Max Length: 64
... meta Σ1..1MetaMetadata about the resource
.... versionId Σ1..1idThe version of this order template
Example General': 1.1
.... lastUpdated Σ1..1instantWhen the resource version last changed
.... profile Σ1..1uriProfiles this resource claims to conform to

Fixed Value:
... text SI1..1NarrativeText summary of the resource, for human interpretation
... contained 1..*Regimen Entry TemplateMedication entries within the regimen
... template-note 0..*(Complex)Style guide note
... identifier SΣ1..1IdentifierTemplate id
.... system Σ1..1uriThe namespace for the identifier value
Fixed Value:
.... value Σ1..1stringThe value that is unique
Example General': 123456
Example General': BRS1
Max Length: 64
... version SΣ1..1stringThe version number of this template - increments each time a new version is published
Example General': 1
... title SΣ1..1stringName for this plan definition (Human friendly)
Max Length: 516
... type Σ1..1CodeableConceptorder-set | protocol | eca-rule
Binding: PlanDefinitionType (extensible)
.... coding Σ1..1CodingCode defined by a terminology system
..... system Σ1..1uriIdentity of the terminology system
Fixed Value:
..... code Σ1..1codeSymbol in syntax defined by the system
Fixed Value: protocol
.... text Σ1..1stringPlain text representation of the concept
Fixed Value: Chemotherapy Order Template
... status ?!Σ1..1code"active" if the template is currently published
Binding: PublicationStatus (required)
... date Σ1..1dateTimePublication date
... publisher Σ1..1stringName of the publisher (Organization or individual)
Fixed Value: National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Inc.
... useContext Σ1..*UsageContextContent intends to support these contexts
... useContext Σ1..1UsageContextDisease
.... usagecontext-group I1..1stringIndication group
.... code Σ1..1CodingType of context being specified
Binding: UsageContextType (extensible)
..... system Σ1..1uriIdentity of the terminology system
Fixed Value:
..... code Σ1..1codeSymbol in syntax defined by the system
Fixed Value: focus
.... valueCodeableConcept Σ1..1CodeableConceptDisease concept
..... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional Content defined by implementations
..... text Σ1..1stringPlain text representation of the concept
Max Length: 256
... useContext Σ1..*UsageContextIndication component
.... usagecontext-group I1..1stringIndication group
.... code Σ1..1CodingIndication component class
Binding: Indication Classes (required)
.... valueCodeableConcept Σ1..1CodeableConceptIndication component value
..... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional Content defined by implementations
..... text Σ1..1stringPlain text representation of the concept
Max Length: 256
... contributor 1..*ContributorNCCN authors
.... type Σ1..1codeauthor | editor | reviewer | endorser
Binding: ContributorType (required)
Fixed Value: author
.... name Σ1..1stringName of the contributor
... copyright 1..1markdownAll rights reserved.
... relatedArtifact 0..*RelatedArtifactRelated artifacts for the asset
... relatedArtifact 1..1RelatedArtifactGuideline reference
.... type Σ1..1codedocumentation | justification | citation | predecessor | successor | derived-from | depends-on | composed-of
Binding: RelatedArtifactType (required)
Fixed Value: derived-from
.... display Σ1..1stringBrief description of the related artifact
.... url Σ1..1uriUrl for the related artifact
... relatedArtifact 1..*RelatedArtifactCitation
.... regimenReferenceType 1..1codea | b | c | d
Binding: ReferenceType (required)
.... type Σ1..1codedocumentation | justification | citation | predecessor | successor | derived-from | depends-on | composed-of
Binding: RelatedArtifactType (required)
Fixed Value: citation
.... display Σ1..1stringThe text of the citation
.... url Σ1..1uriUrl for the related artifact
... relatedArtifact 0..*RelatedArtifactRelated template
.... type Σ1..1codesee extension
Binding: RelatedArtifactType (required)
..... templateRelationship 1..1codeprecedes | may precede | follows | may follow | concurrent with | alternating with
Binding: TemplateRelationshipType (required)
.... display Σ1..1stringThe title of the related template
.... url Σ1..1uriUrl for the related artifact
... action I1..1BackboneElementRegimen option group
.... febrileNeutropeniaRisk 1..1codeFebrile neutropenia risk
Binding: FeverNeutropeniaRisk (required)
.... action 1..*Unknown reference to #PlanDefinition:ordertemplate.action
Regimen options

doco Documentation for this format

Differential View

NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. PlanDefinition 0..*NCCN Order Template Profile
... id 1..1idTemplate id
Example General': BRS1
Max Length: 64
... meta 1..1Meta
.... id 0..0
.... versionId 1..1idThe version of this order template
Example General': 1.1
.... lastUpdated 1..1instant
.... profile 1..1uriFixed Value:
.... security 0..0
.... tag 0..0
.... extension 0..0
... implicitRules 0..0
... language 0..0
... text S1..1Narrative
... contained 1..*Regimen Entry TemplateMedication entries within the regimen
... url 0..0
... identifier S1..1IdentifierTemplate id
.... id 0..0
.... use 0..0
.... type 0..0
.... system 1..1uriFixed Value:
.... value 1..1stringExample General': BRS1
Max Length: 64
.... period 0..0
.... assigner 0..0
.... extension 0..0
... version S1..1stringThe version number of this template - increments each time a new version is published
Example General': 1
... name 0..0
... title S1..1stringMax Length: 516
... type 1..1CodeableConcept
.... id 0..0
.... coding 1..1Coding
..... id 0..0
..... system 1..1uriFixed Value:
..... version 0..0
..... code 1..1codeFixed Value: protocol
..... display 0..0
..... userSelected 0..0
..... extension 0..0
.... text 1..1stringFixed Value: Chemotherapy Order Template
.... extension 0..0
... status 1..1code"active" if the template is currently published
... experimental 0..0
... date 1..1dateTimePublication date
... publisher 1..1stringFixed Value: National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Inc.
... description 0..0
... purpose 0..0
... usage 0..0
... approvalDate 0..0
... lastReviewDate 0..0
... effectivePeriod 0..0
... useContext UsageContextSlice: Unordered, Open by value:code|false|open
... useContext 1..1UsageContextDisease
.... id 0..0
.... code 1..1Coding
..... id 0..0
..... system 1..1uriFixed Value:
..... version 0..0
..... code 1..1codeFixed Value: focus
..... display 0..0
..... userSelected 0..0
..... extension 0..0
.... valueCodeableConcept 1..1CodeableConceptDisease concept
..... id 0..0
..... coding 0..0
..... text 1..1stringMax Length: 256
.... usagecontext-group 1..1stringIndication group
... useContext 1..*UsageContextIndication component
.... id 0..0
.... code 1..1CodingIndication component class
Binding: Indication Classes (required)
.... valueCodeableConcept 1..1CodeableConceptIndication component value
..... id 0..0
..... coding 0..0
..... text 1..1stringMax Length: 256
.... usagecontext-group 1..1stringIndication group
... jurisdiction 0..0
... topic 0..0
... contributor 1..*ContributorNCCN authors
.... id 0..0
.... type 1..1codeFixed Value: author
.... name 1..1string
.... contact 0..0
.... extension 0..0
... contact 0..0
... copyright 1..1markdownAll rights reserved.
... relatedArtifact RelatedArtifactSlice: Unordered, Open by value:type|false|open
... relatedArtifact 1..1RelatedArtifactGuideline reference
.... id 0..0
.... type 1..1codeFixed Value: derived-from
.... display 1..1string
.... citation 0..0
.... url 1..1uri
.... document 0..0
.... resource 0..0
.... extension 0..0
... relatedArtifact 1..*RelatedArtifactCitation
.... id 0..0
.... type 1..1codeFixed Value: citation
.... display 1..1stringThe text of the citation
.... citation 0..0
.... url 1..1uri
.... document 0..0
.... resource 0..0
.... regimenReferenceType 1..1codea | b | c | d
Binding: ReferenceType (required)
... relatedArtifact 0..*RelatedArtifactRelated template
.... id 0..0
.... type 1..1codesee extension
..... id 0..0
..... value 0..0
..... templateRelationship 1..1codeprecedes | may precede | follows | may follow | concurrent with | alternating with
Binding: TemplateRelationshipType (required)
.... display 1..1stringThe title of the related template
.... citation 0..0
.... url 1..1uri
.... document 0..0
.... resource 0..0
.... extension 0..0
... library 0..0
... goal 0..0
... action 1..1BackboneElementRegimen option group
.... id 0..0
.... label 0..0
.... title 0..0
.... description 0..0
.... textEquivalent 0..0
.... code 0..0
.... reason 0..0
.... documentation 0..0
.... goalId 0..0
.... triggerDefinition 0..0
.... condition 0..0
.... input 0..0
.... output 0..0
.... relatedAction 0..0
.... timing[x] 0..0
.... participant 0..0
.... type 0..0
.... groupingBehavior 0..0
.... selectionBehavior 0..0
.... requiredBehavior 0..0
.... precheckBehavior 0..0
.... cardinalityBehavior 0..0
.... definition 0..0
.... transform 0..0
.... dynamicValue 0..0
.... action 1..*Regimen options
..... id 0..0
..... label 0..0
..... title 0..0
..... description 0..0
..... textEquivalent 0..0
..... code 1..1
...... text 1..1stringFixed Value: regimen option
..... definition 0..0
..... reason 0..0
..... documentation 0..0
..... goalId 0..0
..... triggerDefinition 0..0
..... condition 0..0
..... input 0..0
..... output 0..0
..... relatedAction 0..0
..... timing[x] 0..0
..... participant 0..0
..... type 0..0
..... groupingBehavior 0..0
..... selectionBehavior 0..0
..... requiredBehavior 0..0
..... precheckBehavior 0..0
..... cardinalityBehavior 0..0
..... transform 0..0
..... dynamicValue 0..0
..... action 1..*Regimen parts
...... id 1..1
...... label 0..0
...... title 0..0
...... description 0..0
...... textEquivalent 0..0
...... code 1..1
....... text 1..1stringFixed Value: regimen part
...... reason 0..0
...... documentation 0..0
...... goalId 0..0
...... triggerDefinition 0..0
...... condition 0..0
...... input 0..0
...... output 0..0
...... relatedAction 0..0
...... timing[x] 0..0
...... participant 0..0
...... type 0..0
...... groupingBehavior 0..0
...... selectionBehavior 1..1codeexactly-one | any
...... requiredBehavior 0..0
...... precheckBehavior 0..0
...... cardinalityBehavior 0..0
...... definition 0..0
...... transform 0..0
...... dynamicValue 0..0
...... action 1..*Cycle definitions
....... id 1..1
....... label 0..0
....... title 0..0
....... description 0..0
....... textEquivalent 1..1
....... code 1..1
........ text 1..1stringFixed Value: cycle definition
....... reason 0..0
....... documentation 0..0
....... goalId 0..0
....... triggerDefinition 0..0
....... condition Slice: Unordered, Open by value:kind|true|open
....... condition 0..*Stop conditions
........ id 0..0
........ kind 1..1codeFixed Value: stop
........ description 1..1stringCondition under which the treatment should be stopped; see detailed descriptions tab for potential values
Example General': disease progression
........ language 0..0
........ expression 0..0
........ extension 0..0
....... condition 0..1
........ id 0..0
........ kind 1..1codeFixed Value: applicability
........ description 1..1stringCondition under which this cycle definition is applicable; see detailed descriptions tab for potential values
Example General': age ≤75 years
........ language 0..0
........ expression 0..0
........ extension 0..0
....... input 0..0
....... output 0..0
....... relatedAction 0..*
........ id 0..0
........ actionId 1..1
......... actionPlaceholder 0..1codeAction placeholder for when the referenced action is outside the scope of this plan and has no id
Binding: ActionPlaceholder (required)
........ relationship 1..1
......... radiationTherapyRelationship 0..1code A special relationship type that is specific to radiation therapy
Binding: RadiationTherapyRelation (required)
........ offset 0..0
....... timingTiming 0..1
....... participant 0..0
....... type 0..0
....... groupingBehavior 0..0
....... selectionBehavior 0..0
....... requiredBehavior 0..0
....... precheckBehavior 0..0
....... cardinalityBehavior 0..0
....... definition 0..0
....... transform 0..0
....... dynamicValue 0..0
....... action 1..*Regimen entry groups
........ id 1..1
........ label 0..0
........ title 0..0
........ description 0..0
........ textEquivalent 0..0
........ code 1..1
......... text 1..1stringFixed Value: regimen entry group
........ reason 0..0
........ documentation 0..0
........ goalId 0..0
........ triggerDefinition 0..0
........ condition 0..0
........ input 0..0
........ output 0..0
........ relatedAction 0..*Related entries
......... id 0..0
......... actionId 1..1
......... relationship 1..1
......... offset 0..0
........ timing[x] 0..0
........ participant 0..0
........ type 0..0
........ groupingBehavior 0..0
........ selectionBehavior 1..1codeFixed Value: exactly-one
........ requiredBehavior 0..0
........ precheckBehavior 0..0
........ cardinalityBehavior 0..0
........ definition 0..0
........ transform 0..0
........ dynamicValue 0..0
........ action 1..*Regimen entries
......... id 1..1
......... label 0..0
......... title 0..0
......... description 0..0
......... textEquivalent 0..0
......... code 1..1
.......... text 1..1stringFixed Value: regimen entry
......... reason 0..0
......... documentation 0..0
......... goalId 0..0
......... triggerDefinition 0..0
......... condition 0..0
......... input 0..0
......... output 0..0
......... relatedAction 0..0
......... timing[x] 0..0
......... participant 0..0
......... type 0..0
......... groupingBehavior 0..0
......... selectionBehavior 0..0
......... requiredBehavior 0..0
......... precheckBehavior 0..0
......... cardinalityBehavior 0..0
......... definition 0..0
......... transform 0..0
......... dynamicValue 0..0
......... action 1..*Dosage instruction groups
.......... id 1..1
.......... label 0..0
.......... title 0..0
.......... description 0..0
.......... textEquivalent 0..0
.......... code 1..1
........... text 1..1stringFixed Value: dosage instruction group
.......... reason 0..0
.......... documentation 0..0
.......... goalId 0..0
.......... triggerDefinition 0..0
.......... condition 0..0
.......... input 0..0
.......... output 0..0
.......... relatedAction 0..0
.......... timing[x] 0..0
.......... participant 0..0
.......... type 0..0
.......... groupingBehavior 0..0
.......... selectionBehavior 0..0
.......... requiredBehavior 0..0
.......... precheckBehavior 0..0
.......... cardinalityBehavior 0..0
.......... definition 0..0
.......... transform 0..0
.......... dynamicValue 0..0
.......... action 1..*Dosage instructions
........... id 1..1
........... label 0..0
........... title 0..0
........... description 0..0
........... textEquivalent 0..0
........... code 1..1
............ text 1..1stringFixed Value: dosage instruction
........... reason 0..0
........... documentation 0..0
........... goalId 0..0
........... triggerDefinition 0..0
........... condition 0..0
........... input 0..0
........... output 0..0
........... relatedAction 0..0
........... timing[x] 0..0
........... participant 0..0
........... type 0..0
........... groupingBehavior 0..0
........... selectionBehavior 0..0
........... requiredBehavior 0..0
........... precheckBehavior 0..0
........... cardinalityBehavior 0..0
........... definition 1..1Regimen Entry Template
........... transform 0..0
........... dynamicValue 0..0
........... action 0..0
........... cycleConstraint 0..1integerWhich cycles to administer this dosage instruction
........... dayConstraint 0..1integerWhich days to administer this dosage instruction
........... weekConstraint 0..1integerWhich weeks to administer this dosage instruction
........... monthConstraint 0..1integerWhich months to administer this dosage instruction
........... scheduleConstraint-beginningWith-cycle 0..1integerOn which cycle to begin this dosage instruction
........... scheduleConstraint-beginningWith-day 0..1integerOn which day to begin this dosage instruction
........... scheduleConstraint-beginningWith-week 0..1integerOn which week to begin this dosage instruction
........... scheduleConstraint-beginningWith-month 0..1integerOn which month to begin this dosage instruction
........... scheduleConstraint-advanced 0..1codeA coded pattern that defines when this dosage instruction should be administered
Binding: ScheduleConstraint (required)
....... fullyStructured S1..1booleanFully structured
...... emeticRisk 0..*(Complex)Emetic risk
.... febrileNeutropeniaRisk 1..1codeFebrile neutropenia risk
Binding: FeverNeutropeniaRisk (required)
... template-note 0..*(Complex)Style guide note

doco Documentation for this format

Snapshot View

NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. PlanDefinition I0..*NCCN Order Template Profile
... id Σ1..1idTemplate id
Example General': BRS1
Max Length: 64
... meta Σ1..1MetaMetadata about the resource
.... versionId Σ1..1idThe version of this order template
Example General': 1.1
.... lastUpdated Σ1..1instantWhen the resource version last changed
.... profile Σ1..1uriProfiles this resource claims to conform to

Fixed Value:
... text SI1..1NarrativeText summary of the resource, for human interpretation
... contained 1..*Regimen Entry TemplateMedication entries within the regimen
... template-note 0..*(Complex)Style guide note
... identifier SΣ1..1IdentifierTemplate id
.... system Σ1..1uriThe namespace for the identifier value
Fixed Value:
.... value Σ1..1stringThe value that is unique
Example General': 123456
Example General': BRS1
Max Length: 64
... version SΣ1..1stringThe version number of this template - increments each time a new version is published
Example General': 1
... title SΣ1..1stringName for this plan definition (Human friendly)
Max Length: 516
... type Σ1..1CodeableConceptorder-set | protocol | eca-rule
Binding: PlanDefinitionType (extensible)
.... coding Σ1..1CodingCode defined by a terminology system
..... system Σ1..1uriIdentity of the terminology system
Fixed Value:
..... code Σ1..1codeSymbol in syntax defined by the system
Fixed Value: protocol
.... text Σ1..1stringPlain text representation of the concept
Fixed Value: Chemotherapy Order Template
... status ?!Σ1..1code"active" if the template is currently published
Binding: PublicationStatus (required)
... date Σ1..1dateTimePublication date
... publisher Σ1..1stringName of the publisher (Organization or individual)
Fixed Value: National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Inc.
... useContext Σ1..*UsageContextContent intends to support these contexts
... useContext Σ1..1UsageContextDisease
.... usagecontext-group I1..1stringIndication group
.... code Σ1..1CodingType of context being specified
Binding: UsageContextType (extensible)
..... system Σ1..1uriIdentity of the terminology system
Fixed Value:
..... code Σ1..1codeSymbol in syntax defined by the system
Fixed Value: focus
.... valueCodeableConcept Σ1..1CodeableConceptDisease concept
..... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional Content defined by implementations
..... text Σ1..1stringPlain text representation of the concept
Max Length: 256
... useContext Σ1..*UsageContextIndication component
.... usagecontext-group I1..1stringIndication group
.... code Σ1..1CodingIndication component class
Binding: Indication Classes (required)
.... valueCodeableConcept Σ1..1CodeableConceptIndication component value
..... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional Content defined by implementations
..... text Σ1..1stringPlain text representation of the concept
Max Length: 256
... contributor 1..*ContributorNCCN authors
.... type Σ1..1codeauthor | editor | reviewer | endorser
Binding: ContributorType (required)
Fixed Value: author
.... name Σ1..1stringName of the contributor
... copyright 1..1markdownAll rights reserved.
... relatedArtifact 0..*RelatedArtifactRelated artifacts for the asset
... relatedArtifact 1..1RelatedArtifactGuideline reference
.... type Σ1..1codedocumentation | justification | citation | predecessor | successor | derived-from | depends-on | composed-of
Binding: RelatedArtifactType (required)
Fixed Value: derived-from
.... display Σ1..1stringBrief description of the related artifact
.... url Σ1..1uriUrl for the related artifact
... relatedArtifact 1..*RelatedArtifactCitation
.... regimenReferenceType 1..1codea | b | c | d
Binding: ReferenceType (required)
.... type Σ1..1codedocumentation | justification | citation | predecessor | successor | derived-from | depends-on | composed-of
Binding: RelatedArtifactType (required)
Fixed Value: citation
.... display Σ1..1stringThe text of the citation
.... url Σ1..1uriUrl for the related artifact
... relatedArtifact 0..*RelatedArtifactRelated template
.... type Σ1..1codesee extension
Binding: RelatedArtifactType (required)
..... templateRelationship 1..1codeprecedes | may precede | follows | may follow | concurrent with | alternating with
Binding: TemplateRelationshipType (required)
.... display Σ1..1stringThe title of the related template
.... url Σ1..1uriUrl for the related artifact
... action I1..1BackboneElementRegimen option group
.... febrileNeutropeniaRisk 1..1codeFebrile neutropenia risk
Binding: FeverNeutropeniaRisk (required)
.... action 1..*Unknown reference to #PlanDefinition:ordertemplate.action
Regimen options

doco Documentation for this format

Downloads: StructureDefinition: (XML, JSON, CSV), Schema: XML Schematron